Ram Mandir Inaugurated At The Site Of Ayodhya Babri Masjid

Ram Mandir Inaugurated

A Ram Mandir (temple) was inaugurated at the site of the Babri Masjid in the Indian city of Ayodhya. Hindu devotees from all over the world are reaching new temples, why was the Babri mosque destroyed and built as a temple, and what is the purpose of promoting Ram temple so much, is BJP going to do politics under the cover of the temple, is Ram temple before the election The purpose of rapid construction is to gain political advantage, let’s try to find answers to these and other similar questions.

Inauguration Of Ram Mandir

The inauguration ceremony of the Ram Temple is taking place today in Ayodhya. The impact of this inaugural ceremony is being seen throughout the country. The construction of this temple is based on the decision given by the Supreme Court.

Political Gain From Ram Temple

However, it is evident that the central government, along with the BJP and RSS, has strategically timed the inauguration ahead of schedule, leveraging it for potential political gains in the upcoming parliamentary elections. In the Babri Masjid-Ram Janmabhoomi land ownership case in Ayodhya, the Supreme Court made a decision, and a trust was established to oversee the temple’s affairs. The trust was not affiliated with any government, individual, or political party.

Nevertheless, the BJP has consistently exploited the Ram Temple issue for political gains, and it seems that this trend continues. A purely religious matter is being manipulated for political purposes, and this trend persists. Despite the fact that India, according to its constitution, does not have a state religion and the government is responsible for treating all religions and their followers equally, the BJP and the central government are attempting to create an impression that the government is only for Hindus and that there is no place for followers of other religions in the country.

Fear Of Spreading Discord In Ram Mandir

Through the inauguration of the Ram Temple, the government is attempting to send various messages, and divisive organizations are not refraining from using it to fuel communal tensions.

The construction of the temple is proceeding based on the Supreme Court’s decision, and efforts are being made to create an impact through the inauguration, portraying it as a significant achievement for the BJP and the central government.

This is not just a success for a particular group or faction; the judicial decision was made on the basis of belief, and construction is progressing accordingly. Despite this logical conclusion based on the country’s laws and constitution, the BJP continues to exploit the situation for political gains, using various excuses. Just as government offices and universities have been given half-day holidays, it is also an indication that the government has turned this entire issue into a political maneuver for its benefit.

Crores Spent On The Publicity Of Ram Mandir

There is also a political trick behind the construction and promotion of the Ram Temple in place of the Babri Masjid in Ayodhya, as Narendra Modi’s party BJP not only spent crores of rupees on the publicity of the temple but also invited big names including film stars to attend its inauguration ceremony. Politicians were also invited, and most of the singers including Amyath Bachchan also attended the event.


The construction of a temple instead of a mosque is a controversial issue that needs to be handled with restraint, it is important for the government and other relevant institutions to avoid further political exploitation of this issue. In particular, the government should not give the impression that it represents a particular group or religion.
The government represents every citizen of the country and the followers of every religion. The government needs to focus on development initiatives, the welfare of the people, and strengthening the nation. In the best interest of the country, government, and politics should not be allowed to interfere in religious matters.
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Javed sadiq

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