ISIS Attacked And Killed 40 People In The Moscow Concert

ISIS Killed 40 People In Moscow

ISIS attacked and killed 40 people in the Moscow concert, according to the latest update, 100 people were injured in the incident. The rebels also fired incendiary shells, which caused the fire to spread rapidly in the theater due to the chemical released. On the other hand, the terrorist group Daesh has claimed responsibility for the attack, but there has been no confirmation from independent sources.

 ISIS Claimed Responsibility For The Attack

According to news agencies, the terrorist group ISIS has made this claim in a statement on social media, but it is still unclear what happened to the attackers after the attack. A journalist present at the scene reported that the attackers had concealed their identities, entered the building, and opened fire. They also threw hand grenades or incendiary bombs.

Krokus City Concert Hall Engulfed In Flames

The Krokus City Concert Hall located in the northern part of the Russian capital, Krasnogorsk, was engulfed in flames. Several thousand people were present, including international artists. Reports indicate that authorities are investigating terrorism, and President Vladimir Putin is being continuously briefed on the situation.

Sounds Of Machine Gunfire Heard In Concert

A music producer present at the concert, Alexei, informed the media that he heard several bursts of machine gunfire followed by screams of women, causing panic.

Mayor Sergey Sobyanin of Moscow has canceled all public events scheduled for the weekend. According to security services, the number of attackers was between two to five. They were wearing tactical uniforms and were armed with automatic weapons. They first fired at the security guards at the entrance and then began targeting people.

A Third Of The Complex Was Engulfed In Flames

According to a report by a news agency, almost a third of the complex was engulfed in flames due to the sudden outbreak of fire. Maria Zakharova, spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Ministry, said it was a deadly terrorist attack. The entire international community should condemn this heinous crime.

State media Russia 24 reported the roof on the venue has partially collapsed. The attack unfolded before the music group Picnic was set to perform, according to Russia 24. The band’s manager told state media that the performers were unharmed.

America Deemed The Attack Dangerous

The American Senate has deemed this attack “horrific” and stated that there is currently no indication linking this incident to the conflict in Ukraine. The Ukrainian Senate also stated that the attack had no connection to their country, while their military intelligence accused Russian incitement behind the incident. The European Union expressed shock and dismay at the attack, while France condemned the incident.

America Had Warned Russia Of The Attack

Earlier this month, the American embassy in Russia had warned that extremist groups were planning to target large gatherings in Moscow, including concerts. In 2002, Chechen separatist militants had seized a theater in Moscow, Dubrovka, taking 912 people hostage. They were demanding the withdrawal of Russian forces from the region. Special forces stormed the theater to free the hostages, resulting in the deaths of 130 people.


A tragic ISIS attack on a concert in Moscow has left a devastating toll, with forty people dead and scores injured. The incident shook the city, leading to the cancellation of all public events and increased security measures. ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attack, although there is still uncertainty regarding the motives and identity of the perpetrators. The international community stressed the need for solidarity against terrorism, saying that it has condemned this heinous act. It is important for authorities to address security concerns and prevent such atrocities in the future.

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Javed sadiq

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