Inauguration Of Ram Mandir, Muslims Decide Build New Mosque

Ram Mandir Inaugurated

After the inauguration of the Ram Mandir (temple) in India, the Muslims decided to build a new mosque. The Babri mosque was demolished in the Indian city of Ayodhya. Now the Ram temple has been established in its place, which has also been inaugurated. They are suffering from grief, but now the news has come out that the Muslims have planned to build a new mosque. In India, on one side, preparations are underway for the inauguration of the Ram Temple at the site of the Babri Masjid in the…

Ram Mandir Inaugurated At The Site Of Ayodhya Babri Masjid

Ram Mandir Inaugurated

A Ram Mandir (temple) was inaugurated at the site of the Babri Masjid in the Indian city of Ayodhya. Hindu devotees from all over the world are reaching new temples, why was the Babri mosque destroyed and built as a temple, and what is the purpose of promoting Ram temple so much, is BJP going to do politics under the cover of the temple, is Ram temple before the election The purpose of rapid construction is to gain political advantage, let’s try to find answers to these and other similar…