Why Did Smriti Irani Visit Madinah? A new discussion broke

Smriti Irani Visit Madinah

Why Did Smriti Irani Visit Madinah? A new discussion broke out, yes, the closeness between India and Saudi Arabia started increasing, Indian Minister Smriti Irani shared the photos of his visit to Saudi Arabia, the Indian Minister also visited those places in Saudi Arabia where non-Muslims have never visited. Finally, why is the Indian delegation’s visit to Saudi Arabia being discussed, let’s try to find answers to all these questions.

The Purpose Of Smriti Irani‘s Visit to Saudi Arabia?

The purpose of Indian Minister Smriti Irani’s visit to Saudi Arabia has come to light. Indian ministers visited Saudi Arabia for the ratification of the Hajj Agreement. He also went to Masjid-i-Quba.

Indian Delegation Welcomed the First Time

For the first time in the history of Saudi Arabia, a non-Muslim has been given a formal protocol and received such a wonderful welcome, however, this has not been confirmed by independent sources, but the Indian minister thanked the Saudi authorities on his Twitter, the photos and videos released on social media by him sparked a new debate.

Smriti Is Strongly Against Muslims

Social media users complained that Smriti is strongly against Iranian Muslims and the political party she belongs to is also strongly against Muslims, so it is not right for Smriti to visit the holy places of Muslims. However, it is also worth mentioning here that Saudi Arabia did not invite the Indian delegation to visit Madinah, but the Indian delegation came to Saudi Arabia for the Hajj agreement.

Haj Agreement Between India And Saudi Arabia

According to Indian media, Smriti Irani has signed a mutual agreement between India and Saudi Arabia for Hajj in 2024. Under the agreement, 175,250 Indian pilgrims can perform Hajj this year. Apart from this, it has also been talked about providing the best facilities to the Indian Hajj pilgrims.

The delegation also talked to Indian Hajj volunteers, authorities, and Indian citizens who came for Umrah and heard their problems. Apart from this, he also met with Indian citizens residing in Saudi Arabia and people associated with business. According to an estimate, more than five million Indians are working in various fields in Saudi Arabia.

If you go to the website of the Saudi Tourism Authority, it is clearly written there that non-Muslims are prohibited from entering the holy places of Mecca and Medina, however, the surrounding historical and cultural places are open to all religions. But for the first time in the history of Saudi Arabia, the two-day visit of the Indian delegation has become the center of attention on social media.

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Javed sadiq

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