Eva Gilles Miss Universe France 2024, Why People’s Criticism?

Miss Universe France

Eva Gilles became Miss Universe France 2024, but why did people criticize her, How did a woman win a beauty pageant with short hair, Why did Miss France call the win a victory for diversity, Eva Gilles criticized for becoming Miss Universe France Who is making a target, is it correct to call them men for having short hair, come in this news today. I will try to find answers to these questions.

Why Is Miss France 2024 Critical?

People’s objections came to light when Eva Gilles became Miss France 2024. Despite all the objections, the female Miss Universe has declared her victory as a victory of diversity.

The main reason for her victory is her short hair, which some people liked and others People have expressed their displeasure, Eve Gilles broke her silence on the positive and negative comments, she said in an interview that she has been accused of sexism by beauty pageant viewers which is not true.

Eva Gilles Short-Haired Miss Universe France

Twenty-year-old Eva Gilles said that she is the first Miss Universe France to have the honor of having short hair. “We often like to see Miss Universe with long hair, but I wanted to do something different, so I kept my hair short and won the title of Miss Universe France,” she said.

He made it clear that he is proud of having short hair and if anyone thinks I look masculine, I don’t care, I am like that and will always be like that. Aviles also said that every woman likes a different style, so I like the way I keep my short hair.

Description Of The Miss Universe France Pageant

If talking about Eva Gales’ Miss Universe France pageant, it is as if a woman from a farm near Dunkirk in northern France came to the pageant in Dijon in front of 5,000 spectators. One-half of the score was determined by the audience, and the other half by a jury of seven women.

Eva Gille’s Victory Came After A Court Decision

The victory for Eva Gille comes within a week of a court ruling that a French broadcaster paid 50,00 francs to two former Miss France finalists who were secretly filmed without their knowledge and whose Bare breasts made it into the air. The court stated that the two women appeared in the changing rooms without their knowledge.

Beneje France, who owns the Miss France brand with chief executive Alexia Laroche-Joubert, justifies the pageant as a symbol of success and a tool for social mobility. As she points out, many former contestants have gone on to become businesswomen, doctors, or film directors. There is still no age limit when it comes to participants.

List Of Miss France 224 Nominations

If we look at this year’s contests, there is no significant change in the list of candidates for the Miss France 2024 title, as well as the quality, beauty pageant France is held every year on Saturday, December 16, Like last year, this time also thirty women participated in the competitions, whose pictures have also gone viral on social media, but if you look at this picture, everything is clear.

Images Of Women Based On Homogeneity

Images featuring young women give the impression of uniformity, although this second edition comes with more flexible standards, dropping the age limit that had previously been set at twenty-four, in addition to participating in competitions. Candidates can now be married, have children, and even have visible tattoos, all of which were previously banned and are now being targeted.

Age Limit For Miss Universe Women

If we look at this year’s Miss Universe France, there is no significant change in the average age, 80% of the candidates are between twenty-five and twenty-eight years old, and the oldest female candidate was twenty-eight years old.

The girl is not included, and there are no regional Miss Mothers, if the statement of the president of the Miss France company from 2021 to 2021 also came out, Alexia Laroche Joubert, the current head of Beneje France, praised the new Miss Universe France. Say, for the first time, a girl with short hair has become Miss Universe France, which is also a lesson for others.

Miss Universe France Election Protest Why?

Debate about the lack of representation and diversity of the Miss France 2024 pageant is not new, but it quickly went viral because of what was new about Evagles’ short hair, on the basis of which she was selected as Miss Universe France 2024.

Here, a feminist association filed an application in the labor courts opposing the procedure for the selection of women in Miss Universe France, saying that the selection of candidates was discriminatory and illegal, which it condemned, but later It has not been maintained.

The Miss Universe pageant took place on November 18 in El Salvador, featuring the most diverse top twenty women in history, with Miss Portugal Marina Machete becoming the first trans woman to place in the top 20, while Miss Nepal Jane Garrett, who also secured a spot, becoming the first plus-size contestant to compete in Miss Universe.

Miss Universe France
Eva Gilles Miss Universe France 2024, Why People’s Criticism?


  1. Why did people criticize Eva Gilles after winning Miss Universe France 2024?
    • People criticized Eva Gilles primarily because she won the beauty pageant with short hair, deviating from the traditional expectation of long hair for beauty queens.
  2. How did a woman with short hair win a beauty pageant?
    • Eva Gilles won Miss Universe France 2024 despite the unconventional choice of short hair. Her victory challenges traditional beauty standards and highlights a shift towards diversity in beauty pageants.
  3. Why did Miss France refer to the win as a victory for diversity?
    • Miss France hailed Eva Gilles’ win as a victory for diversity due to her breaking the mold by having short hair. This challenges the conventional norms associated with beauty pageants and promotes a more inclusive definition of beauty.
  4. Why was Eva Gilles criticized for becoming Miss Universe France, and who is making her a target?
    • Eva Gilles faced criticism for her win, with some expressing disapproval of her short hair. The criticism came from individuals who adhere to conventional beauty standards and were not receptive to the deviation from the norm.
  5. Is it correct to label those criticizing Eva Gilles as sexist for having short hair?
    • Eva Gilles addressed accusations of sexism in an interview, denying their validity. While some critics may hold traditional views on beauty, labeling them as sexist may be an oversimplification. The controversy highlights the ongoing debate about beauty standards and gender expectations.
  6. Why did Eva Gilles choose to keep her hair short and how did she respond to positive and negative comments?
    • Eva Gilles, in an interview, expressed her desire to stand out by keeping her hair short, challenging the stereotypical image of Miss Universe. In response to both positive and negative comments, she broke her silence, refuting accusations of sexism and emphasizing her unique approach to the competition.
  7. What makes Eva Gilles unique as Miss Universe France 2024?
    • Eva Gilles is unique as Miss Universe France 2024 for being the first to break the tradition of long hair, choosing to keep her hair short. This distinctive choice set her apart and contributed to her victory, marking a notable shift in beauty pageant standards.


Eva Giles’s win as Miss Universe France 2024 surprised everyone, it’s a small thing for a girl to become Miss Universe despite having short hair, anyway, someone’s victory will never be digested by others, different people have different opinions. Happens, something similar has come out after Eva Glaze’s nomination.

The second thing is that the woman declared her victory as a victory of diversity, and people seemed to object to it. The choice to celebrate individuality and challenge stereotypes marked a remarkable shift in the dynamics of beauty pageants. Eva Gales has emerged as the first Miss Universe France with short hair, following a court ruling. This is a separate matter on which you can give your opinion.

Javed sadiq

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